Our Nutritionist
Dr. Marina Carcea

Dr Carcea’s Workshop
The focus of her workshops will be how to follow in practice a healthy diet with special reference to the Mediterranean diet.
Scientific evidence is accumulating on the richness of healthy components (bioactive substances, proteins, dietary fibre, lipids) in foods (cereals, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish) typical of the Mediterranean diet.
However, the proportionality of their consumption in the daily diet is also an important factor for good health. Italian nutritionists have decided to use the pyramid as a graphical, direct, and straightforward communication tool to illustrate the right proportionality of foods: those which can be consumed in greater quantity are at the base of the pyramid and vice-versa.
Recently the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, alongside the health Pyramid, presented the so-called Double Pyramids, where the tip of the health pyramid can be aligned with the bottom of the ecological pyramid.
This model is very interesting to encourage the adoption of eating habits that are both healthy for humans, respectful of the environment and sustainable, and it can be adopted in different countries considering local productions (see the recent proposal of a Planeterranian Diet).
About Dr. Marina Carcea
Dr. Marina Carcea is a Technology Director of the Research Centre for Food and Nutrition of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Rome, Italy, a leading research institution under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.
She has over 40 years of research experience in the fields of agriculture, food, and human nutrition, which she has gained by taking part in, and coordinating, many successful research projects involving several Institutions both within Italy and abroad (Italian Ministries, EU, FAO). Dr. Carcea has authored over 200 scientific publications, many in international journals, as well as several book chapters, and has delivered lectures on her research activity at numerous congresses worldwide over the years. She has been part of multiple national and international committees regarding food and nutrition topics (Italian Ministries, Technological Platforms, UNI, Codex Alimentarius, EU, FAO), and was also a Lecturer of Food Science and Technology at the University of Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy) for 12 years.
Since 2000, Dr. Carcea is the Italian National Delegate of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) in Vienna (Austria), where she has been actively involved as a member of the Executive, Governing, Technical Committees and as President for the years 2011-2012. She is also a member of the ICC Academy and of the Georgofili Academy in Florence (Italy), and co-founder of AISTEC, the Italian Association of Cereal Science and Technology, serving as President from 2009 to 2015.
She has been responsible for the organization of numerous successful scientific conferences worldwide and is a member of the editorial boards of several international scientific journals. Dr. Carcea was awarded the Harald Perten Prize and the Friedrich Scweitzer Medal for her scientific merits.